
Book Review

  • A pragmatist’s guide to philosophy of science, Review of ‘The pragmatist challenge: pragmatist metaphysics for philosophy of science’ edited by  H.K. Andersen and S. D. Mitchell, Metascience (2023). [open access]

PhD Thesis

  •  Models, data, and unobservable phenomena in Physics, (2022), University of Bristol [open access]

In preparation

  • Laws, Initial Conditions and Physical Modality: Lessons from cosmology

  • Why did the dark matter hypothesis supersede modified gravity?
  • Whence the desire for a closed universe? (with Jonathan Fay)

In press - Outreach

  • Dark matter or Modified gravity? [Σκοτεινή Ύλη ή Τροποποιημένη βαρύτητα] – [in Greek]
  • Dark matter: should we be so sure it exists? Here’s how philosophy can help. –